Madame Chose



Monsieur Monpti

Monsieur Monticule

Monsieur Bois

Madame Pierie

Madame Magritte


Le Cabinet des Arts – The life of Madame Magritte

Living Novel by Sandra Hauser

Ongoing porject since 2010 work in progress

Technique: Videos taken from the installation

„Le Cabinet des Arts – I. Après“

Size: variable

„Le Cabinet des Arts“ is a living novel. The novel is narrated in several chapters and the centre point, main character, is Madame Magritte, a kind of a contemporary Diva. During the chapter performances, the audience is making acquaintance with the social circumference of Madame Magritte, with all the people emotionally bonded with Madame Magritte. She, for her self, for the time being, stays for us hidden in the secrecy. In the course of time and novel chapters, the secret about this special woman increases and becomes more and more threatening in a very strange way, then the end seems to be dun.

Every chapter of this novel is performed as a living picture without beginning and without an end. The viewer can step into it, just like he is stepping into an internal of a movie, a theatre play or somebody’s life. The viewer is stepping into the Cabinet des Arts.

The novel protagonists all have something in common. Deep affection to Madame Magritte and to their own way, that leads them even deeper into “Le Cabinet des Arts”.

„To tell the story about Madame Magritte, I sail purposeful close to the edges, catchments of art and use it instruments. I think that today, we cannot pigeonhole the art labelling it as art, theatre or music, any more. We cannot squeeze it in to long ago defined spaces. That’s why I create spaces with strong and distinct character but no definition. For me the only contemporary way to create and tell the stories and pictures about human feelings, fears, life situation is the synthesis of fine arts, theatre, literature and music with public life.“

Sandra Hauser